Ruby on Rails vs. ...

Posted on 31 August 2007 by Johannes Fahrenkrug. Tags:
I'm learning Ruby on Rails now. I already went through a tutorial a while ago and watched some screencasts but now I actually bought THE RoR book: Agile Web Development with Rails. It's a really great book, teaching you not only Ruby basics and Rails (Duh!) but also the art of agile development. Very neat indeed! Getting started was very easy and it didn't take me long to build my first RoR application with an extjs UI and some AJAX trees that support drag and drop. As I said: very neat indeed! Yesterday I stumbled upon these "Hi, I'm a Mac"-like Ruby "commercials". Funny stuff: RoR vs. Java (I like Java and I like Wicket, too, but they have a point here): RoR vs. PHP: RoR vs. a PHP FRAMEWORK: ;-)


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