My First SproutCore Patch Accepted and Released

Posted on 01 July 2008 by Johannes Fahrenkrug. Tags: Programming SproutCore OpenSocial
I have been digging deeper into SproutCore lately and I have especially worked on using SproutCore for OpenSocial applications. It actually works and I'll write up a tutorial about it very soon. So yesterday I wrote and submitted my first SproutCore patch. It lets you choose between including your CSS files with the <link> tag or the @import directive in a <style> tag. In OpenSocial applications, you can't contribute anything to the <head> section of your page and the <link> tag is only allowed within <head>. So now with the support for @import you can use SproutCore apps that require external CSS files within OpenSocial. The cool thing is this: I submitted the patch last night and today SproutCore 0.9.12 was released with my patch included and mentioned in the release blog post. That's only a few hours from submit to release: Nice :)


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